Need to know

Regular maintenance

Regular at home maintenance is essential to keeping up good health of your fur baby. Making sure everyday or at least every other day to brush fur, brush the teeth, and check for dirty ears. Brushing your dog everyday depending on the coat texture could save you from getting a haircut YOU don’t necessarily want, but your dog may need. (A shave down) keeping up with brushing is very important. If not handled in a timely matter the matting may become so tight it starts to cause skin issues for your dog, as well as hair loss. Regularly brush the teeth to prevent plaque built up and future issues resulting in loss of teeth.  Also check ears regularly to catch an upcoming ear infection in time or to proactively prevent one. If your dog has ears inside of the ear canal pull it out.  It’s easiest to pull out when you’re using your powder.  If the ears are already really red or coffee ground brown don’t mess with them, see your nearest vet. Keeping up  with these things at home will ensure good health to your for baby.

– Jazz